Monday, August 27, 2007

Oh Happy Day

One of the creepiest people in the Bush Administration (though not quite as creepy as Cheney) has resigned today!

The first Hispanic (not that that has anything to do with his creepiness) Attorney General - Alberto Gonzales, who; drafted the torture memo, tried to limit the legal rights of those held at Guantanomo Bay, lied repeatedly about the firings of US Attorneys and continued the illegal prying into Americans' personal information allowed by the Patriot Act which was drafted by the moron evangelical bozo before him.

Today, our inept and corrupt President praised Gonzales' performance and said the attorney general was "honest" and "honorable." Of course, Bush wouldn't know honest and honorable if it bit him in the face (which I have to admit would be fun to watch).

Since Rove resigned recently, and now Gonzales, let's hope these resignations rub off on some others who need to go, namely; Bush and Cheney!

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