Saturday, August 4, 2007

You're Trapped in the Trunk of a Car

You’re locked in the trunk of a car. While it reads like a scene from a movie, it’s not simply a plot device. Do you know what action to take if it happens to you?

Obviously, you should do everything you can to avoid being locked in a trunk to begin with. But if all else fails, remember you still have options.

* In models made after 2002, getting out is simple since the trunks contain a release that lets you open them from the inside.

* Try to find the spring mechanism of the latch opening the trunk. In most cars, this latch is located near the lock. Try pressing on it or jiggling it for a few minutes.

* If it doesn’t open, look for the wires going to the tail lights. Once you find those wires, pull them loose to disconnect the lights. My Volvo, for instance, has little doors that open to replace tail light bulbs, so that bulbs can be removed if there are no wires to be found. That will hopefully attract the attention of a passing police officer.

* When the car does stop, bang on the trunk lid and yell as loudly as you can. Lie on your back and kick it. There’s always a chance you might be at a service station or convenience store where others can hear you. Or that the car’s been stopped by a police officer who will walk past the trunk to speak with the driver.

* In some models you may actually be able to punch out the plastic tail light, sticking your hand or foot through the hole and out of the back of the trunk.

* Check your own car’s trunk for the location of the tail light wires and latch. And remember--it’s dark inside a closed trunk. If you are ever locked in a trunk, you’ll have to feel your way around.

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