Thursday, December 13, 2007

A Snowy Day

I went out early this morning to get my errands done and I was on my way home just as huge snowflakes started to fall.

As I unpacked the car, Hannibal was out getting his first taste of the snow and loving it as usual! I look forward to letting him out in the dark tonight and being able to see him. He loves to push the snow around with his nose and eat it too. I tell him over and over not to eat the yellow snow, but sometimes he does.

Veronica was to go to work until 6 tonight, but she never made it - the roads were so bad she left her car by the malls and had her step-father pick her up and take her home. Our original plan was that she would come here tonight after work and we'd get snowed in together, but, that's not gonna happen - at least tonight. I hope we have another snow storm soon where she can spend the night cuddled with her auntie.

I'm listening to the police scanner and everytown has MVA'S; cars off the road, icy conditions prohibiting cars from getting up any incline or hill, and even a school bus that slid into a house!
Prov PD is the worse, of course, with people calling for rides, well-being checks and dispersing kids not leaving stores. Some of the police officers are surprisingly co-operative and others are downright grumpy. From the warmth of my house, it's a bit funny. If I were out there on the road, I'd be one of the grumpy ones for sure.

So I'm off to take a nap now and later I'll be baking and/or making chocolate candies. Either way, I'm staying in!

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