Monday, April 20, 2009

Persistence Pays Off

OMG! OMG! OMG! I cannot tell you all how happy I am at this moment in time!

I have been looking for a friend of mine for many, many years. He moved from RI to PA and somehow we lost contact. Over 5 years ago, I started looking for him on the internet and have mailed letters to different addresses I've found, only to have them all returned.

Last Friday I mailed yet another letter to yet another address. At 17:10 this afternoon my phone rang with a number that I did not recognize. I hoped it was Bob as I answered and it was!!!!

We have talked for the past 2 and 1/2 hours and he's coming here for a long weekend for the July 4th holiday!!!

The really great thing about our conversation today is that, although it's been years, we picked up right about where we left off when we last saw each other. All those years (well, some of them) melted away now that we have connected again. He's doing fine, really good actually, and I am greatly relieved. Besides missing him so much, I was also worried about him.

I am so looking forward to seeing him in a couple of months, we've already talked about places we want to go to. Caserta's Pizza for a wimpy, Apsara's (Vietnamese/Asian food in South Providence) Newport, Waterfire (haven't checked the schedule yet, but probably is scheduled for the holiday weekend) among so many other things.

You know that bucket list that those of us at an age have, whether written down or not? Today, I can cross one item off my list. I have found my old friend and he is well!

And I am happy.

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