Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The Dictator of the United States

I think that George Bush has forgotten that we are in America. Land of the free, home of the brave - all of that seems to be just plain 'ol crap to him. That American voters elect leaders to serve at their pleasure seems to be forgotten by him and others in DC.
Of course, the 2000 election was stolen, aided and abetted by the Supreme Court, so I guess he didn't have to follow the rules right from the get go. The 2004 election, which is still being disputed in parts of the country, did little other than to further split and divide this country.

Most people don't know this, but the first thing he did after being (wrongly) inaugurated in 2001 was to stop all USA funding across the world to any agency, hospital, clinic, etc. that provided abortions! All funding, not just funding for abortions. So that any health benefits that people in third world countries were able to partake of, were no longer going to be helped with any funding by the US. That included vaccinations for babies and children, birth control for women who didn't want to become pregnant in the first place, as well as any type of medical help from prevention on.

I could go on and on with everything else that's happened in the meantime, but I just don't have the energy for it. However, the point I am trying to make today is that if you choose to protest against the illegal invasion and war in Iraq your property can and will be blocked and seized by the government. IF YOU PROTEST THEY WILL TAKE YOUR PROPERTY!

I have attached the link so that you may read this for yourself. It is:

Last thing I need to say is that this person, (who I cannot insult other men by calling him a man) has gone to extraordinary measures throughout his dictatorship of allowing things like torture, false imprisonment, lying, illegal monitoring of Americans, invading, among many, many, many other injustices has now, by executive order, brought this country to a new low, which is stunning since we hit rock bottom, right after Katrina, I think it was.

This administration has been known to provoke fear, but this is truly unbelievable in the intimidation factor.
I, for one, will not be silenced. Good thing I already gave everything away.

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