A strange thing happened to me on the morning of September 11, 2001. For the first time ever I decided at 8:50am to turn my television on to see what was going on in the world.
I was getting ready for an appointment at 10:00 and I don't know why, but I wanted to watch TV. So I turned on channel 10, the NBC affiliate in Providence and saw the Today folks sitting in front of a picture of the smoke coming from one of the Twin Towers. I have to admit that until that day, I didn't know what went on in the Towers, having been to NYC only a couple of times and having zero interest in the financial world, it had never seemed important. So as I watched the TV wondering what was going on I saw an airplane crash into the other Tower and I realized in that instant that we were under attack. Then the news told of planes that had been hijacked, an explosion and probable plane crash at the Pentagon, then news that another plane had been hijacked and the subsequent crash in Pennsylvania.
I knew that day would change the way we lived our lives in America, but never did I think it would lead to something so ridiculous as the Patriot act and our invasion of a country that had nothing to do with the attacks of that day. Even I, who did not like George Bush from the very first instant I saw him and knew he'd be a bad president, never thought he'd screw up so badly.
We had the sympathy of the world and we blew it!
So, the sixth anniversary of the attack by Al Qaeda on America brings back the horror and the sadness of that day for all of us. Particularly those who previous to the attacks had celebrated the date of 9/11 for anniversaries and/or birthdays.
Which leads me to my best friend, Lillian, who celebrates her birthday today, September 11. I can't imagine my birthday being the day that is thought of as such a sad day, but, she handles it as she does everything in her life; with her usual poise, dignity and good grace. All I can say, is thank goodness for September 11, the day my friend was born. It is a good date, after all.
Happy Birthday Lillian with much love!
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