Saturday, March 8, 2008

Another Saturday Night

I woke up just a little while ago and all the windows in my house were fogged over. I thought that was odd until I opened the front door to let Hannibal out. It is actually warmer outside than it is inside my house!

So I'm sitting here playing Solitaire on my laptop. Thank goodness I bought a mouse for it. I really miss my other computer, I still can't believe it's not working. All my music, pictures, favorite websites are on there and I feel like a part of myself is missing.

I know that sounds a bit melodramatic, but it's absolutely true. In my life the most important things are the computer and books, and on occasion, the television. The computer is where I get all of my news, other than what I get when watching Countdown. I hope all my stuff can be saved. If not, I'll really be bummin.

Speaking of news, I see that Marion Jones has reported for jail - what's wrong with the fact that a black female athlete is the only one to go to jail for steroid use?? No double standard here, huh? Let's hope Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens join her before long.

I think we're suppose to move the clocks ahead tonight - seems so early - with all the rain today, maybe it's April instead of March.

Can you believe that Sherwood Schwartz, who created the TV comedy classics "Gilligan's Island" and "The Brady Brunch," finally got a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame? Two totally great shows. It's about time!

I've been like a bear this week, totally hibernating. Other than going out to vote Tuesday night, I've been home, mostly sleeping. I owe Dawniebird and Lillian phone calls, just haven't felt like talking with anyone, even those two lovely ladies. I think of you both every day and we'll speak soon, and that's a warning.

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